Can Glass Boards be too much of a Good Thing?
On the one hand, my literature students have become so proficient at their group work that most of them have already discovered their...
What's so Interesting About You?
I wanted to begin the semester in my composition classes with a preliminary collaboration exercise and I wanted it to be low stakes, low...
Students & Technological Literacy
In conversation with the graduate students in my teaching circle this week, we were discussing the use of technology in our classrooms,...
The Weight of the Words
Since one of the key elements of active learning is to encourage students to work outside the regular class meeting, the better to enable th
Active and Collaborative!
The overview essays, wherein students report on their stages of progress regarding their final analysis papers, seem to indicate that...
New Insight into Student Cognition
This week in my eportfolio adaptation for my American Literature classes I’ve had a dozen or so students come by my office to get...
Sam Elliott Should Record Carl Sandburg's Poetry
Another fruitful day on the poetry carousel in my American Literature class yesterday has brightened the room a little. Last year, in...
Group Eportfolios and Collaborative Learning
I’ve now started my eportfolio-based American Literature class, hoping to capture the success I had last year with the eportfolio-based...
Three Things We Remembered
This summer with my American Literature students, I have begun many of our classes by asking them to share three things they learned in...
Visualizing the Re-Designed Course
Our Course Re-Design seminar ended Thursday afternoon and the opportunity to think about the larger goals of my class and to collaborate...