The Weight of the Words
Since one of the key elements of active learning is to encourage students to work outside the regular class meeting, the better to enable th
Group Eportfolios and Collaborative Learning
I’ve now started my eportfolio-based American Literature class, hoping to capture the success I had last year with the eportfolio-based...
Summer Plans to Wed Eportfolio and Active Learning in Literature Classes
As over the last several years I have been developing and using active learning strategies in both my composition and literature classes,...
Poets on Revue
We returned to the carousel strategy this past week in my American literature class. Both because I wanted to break from the pattern of...
Active Learning for First-time Teachers
My Early American Literature course this semester is a ninety-student class that meets Mondays and Wednesdays in a large lecture hall,...
Thesis Days
At a basic level, composition and literature classes both ask how we understand and interact with the world. They both explore how we...