Collaboration Revisited
Usually when I require my students to try something in the classroom, a strategy, a technique, or a technology, for instance, I prefer to...
Yesterday afternoon, I listened to a presentation on makerspaces, dedicated rooms or facilities where students can gather to generate and...
Structured Collaboration for Novice Writers
In recent conversation with a colleague about active learning in the composition classroom, the nature of writing came up; that is, do we...
Three Things We Remembered
This summer with my American Literature students, I have begun many of our classes by asking them to share three things they learned in...
Visualizing the Re-Designed Course
Our Course Re-Design seminar ended Thursday afternoon and the opportunity to think about the larger goals of my class and to collaborate...
We're in this Exam Together
I’m considering using a practice group examination before the individual mid-term examinations in my upcoming literature classes. Perhaps...
An Exercise in Blended Technologies
Using ClipConverter and Google to locate commercials and print advertisements and download them to my computer, I assigned my student...
Summer Plans to Wed Eportfolio and Active Learning in Literature Classes
As over the last several years I have been developing and using active learning strategies in both my composition and literature classes,...
Poets on Revue
We returned to the carousel strategy this past week in my American literature class. Both because I wanted to break from the pattern of...
Students and Assigned Reading
Let me confess that in the early years of my undergraduate study I was not a conscientious reader. I, like many before and after me, was...